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Programme Application Form - SESLA 

Laureus Sport for Good

Our Vision: We use the power of sport to end violence, discrimination and inequality for children, young people and their communities. We prove that sport can change the world. Our Mission: We fund, support and develop and implement programmes and initiatives that use sport to create equality, access and opportunity.

Our commitment to Safeguarding:

  • As a key player in the sport for development field, Laureus Sport for Good funds and supports a global network of community-based sports projects impacting the lives of children, young people and vulnerable adults. The key beneficiaries of sport for good are children, young people and vulnerable adults. Hence it is imperative that robust policies and procedures are in place to ensure that Laureus Sport for Good manages and mitigates risks in relation to the safeguarding and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults around the globe.
  • Laureus Sport for Good recognises that the welfare and interests of all participants in programmes and activities supported and endorsed by Laureus Sport for Good are paramount in all circumstances. As part of this recognition, Laureus Sport for Good has taken the pledge in favour of the International Safeguards for Children in Sport: “We are committed to working towards safer sport for children, young people and vulnerable adults. To support this, we will promote and advocate for safeguards through our networks and commit to embedding them in our work”.
  • Our commitment stretches to also include young people and vulnerable adults.
  • As part of this commitment, and if your application is approved, Laureus Sport for Good will expect you to join us in this effort by signing our Safeguarding Policy upon signature of the Grant Agreement, following its guidelines and recommendations. 
  • You can find our Safeguarding Policy here: Safeguarding | Laureus
Global Commitment
Our Commitment to the Environment

  • According to the United Nations, climate change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at a defining moment. Evidence of climate change is already apparent in the hotter global mean temperature, rising sea level, warming ocean (which is making storm activity, such as hurricanes and typhoons, more frequent and severe), extended droughts, wildfire activity, and more.
  • The scientific community reached a near consensus on human-induced climate change in the early 2000s, and the consensus has grown since.
  • In recognition of the urgency and importance of addressing climate change across all sectors, Laureus Sport for Good has committed to doing its part, and has signed on to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Sport for Climate Action Framework. This framework includes five principles: 

    1. Undertake systematic efforts to promote greater environmental responsibility

    2. Reduce overall climate impact

    3. Educate for climate action

    4. Promote sustainable and responsible consumption

    5. Advocate for climate action through communication

As  part of this commitment, and if your application is approved Laureus Sport for Good will expect you to join us in this effort by signing this Framework upon signature of a Grant Agreement and following its guidelines and recommendations. 
    Our Commitment to Gender Equality and Gender Justice:
  • We believe in gender equality, and we believe that all our programmes and grants, research and influencing work should be designed and implemented in a way to promote gender equality. 
  • Our vision for gender equality is one where women and men, girls, and boys, as well as non-binary children and young people, have equal access to opportunities and are equally empowered to engage with them and to become champions of and have power over their own lives. 
  • For this to happen and recognising the engendered power structures that currently hold women and girls in disenfranchisement, we wish to strengthen our efforts at empowering young women and girls by changing attitudes, ideas, and beliefs about gender relations, increasing young women and girls’ engagement with the programmes we support, and supporting them to become leaders in their communities, influencing the conditions of their lives on equal terms.

  • Gender mainstreaming is one of the two strategies we use to promote gender equality, the other being the Social Focus Area “Women and Girls”. We will mainstream gender concerns to ensure that all our work across all social focus areas contributes to gender equality. 

  • We advocate for the rights and safety of survivors of gender-based violence, ensuring their well-being, while collaborating with local organisations to create and maintain safe spaces which are free from violence.

  • As part of this commitment, we expect any application for funding to clearly reflect the following minimum requirements:

    1. That women and men, girls and boys, as well as children and young people who self-identify outside of the gender-binary, are consulted and their different needs and perspectives considered at all stages of the programme and grant cycle 

    2. That they can equally and equitably participate in and benefit from Laureus Sport for Good supported programmes 

    3. That the programme does not harm or exclude women and girls, neither child nor young people who self-identify outside of the gender-binary

    4. That they help to redress existing gender imbalances and injustice when possible

Guidance for Completing this Application

T This form is for all organisations applying for funding from Laureus Sport for Good.

    Please refer to the Criteria and Recommendations or email grace.veys@laureus.com or david.groves@laureus.com if you have any questions regarding this form.

B Please note that by proceeding with your application you are accepting to share information with Laureus partners by default as part of our application assessment process.

Supporting Documents

 Please provide the following in support of this application 

  • Governing Document: for your organisation (for example, a constitution, trust deed or memorandum and articles of association) (mandatory)
  • Safeguarding Policysafeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults’ policy (mandatory)
  • Annual Accountsall organisations that would like to collaborate with us must have sound financial procedures in place and must produce annual accounts. You must submit a copy of your most recently approved accounts, signed and dated by your chairperson, secretary or treasurer and by your auditor or independent examiner where appropriate (mandatory)
  • Budget Sheet Template: complete and attach it as part of this application (mandatory)

Other documents:

  • MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) Framework: please attach the MEL framework for your programme, if you have one (optional)
  • Due Diligence Report: if you have a partner implementing the delivery of your programme, you might be required to submit a due diligence /risk assessment report if grant is approved (optional)
  • Local Needs Analysis: please submit the needs assessment for your local programme (optional)
  • Gender Equity/ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy: feel free to attach the policy if you have one (optional)
  • Risk Assessment: feel attach the risk assessment for your programme if you have one (optional)
  • Research: documents or links to any external evaluations or research into the social impact of your activities that has been conducted in the last 3 years (optional)
  • Additional Documents: any other available and relevant documents you may wish to attach (optional)

Programme Application Form - SESLA

2.1 Lead Organisation Contact Details

*to select more than one country please hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard*
2.2 Lead Applicant Organisation Contact Person Details
Please tell us whom we should be contacting for further information related to this application.

Programme Application Form - SESLA

3. Lead Applicant Organisation General Information
Please note that this section is only to be completed by the lead organisation.

Please note, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you will need to provide your partner organisation's documentation as part of the due diligence. 

3.10 Collaborating Partner(s)
Please provide details of each collaborating partner. You can add a new partner by selecting "Add a new collaborative partner" at the bottom of this box. 

Programme Application Form - SESLA

4. Safeguarding Children and Young People 

All children and young people have the right to participate in sport in a safe and enjoyable environment and their rights are enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). For the purposes of safeguarding, Laureus Sport for Good adopts the UNCRC’s definition of a child – anyone under the age of 18. However, we encourage organisations to also include young people within their safeguarding policies to ensure organisations are providing the level of protection required to vulnerable young people over the age of 18 too. 

Programme Application Form - SESLA

5. Governance

Please note that this section is only to be completed by the lead organisation. 

In this section we focus on governance in relation to the make-up of the board of governors/trustees of your organisation.  The main role of a board is to establish policies, make significant and strategic decisions and to oversee the organisation’s activity.

5.2 Please fill in the below table to clarify the make-up of your board of governors / trustees*see guidance notes
Board Member

5.4 Staff chart of your organisation: this refers to the people working in your organisation, not only the staff that will work in the programme you are applying for funding for. 
Boys/Young Men/Men Girls/Young Women/ Women Transgender /Non-binary/Gender expansive With a disability Under the age of 25 Representative of target communities and groups
Full-time Staff
Part-time Staff
Totals by Group

5.8 Please fill in the table below to show the total number of direct participants your organisation reached last year.
Total Boys/Young Men/Men Girls/Young Women/Women Transgender/Non-binary/Gender expansive Of the direct participants identified, how many have a disability
Aged 14 years old or under
Aged between 15 and 24 years old
Aged 25 years old and above
TOTAL number of direct participants reached

Programme Application Form - SESLA

6. Finances

Please note, this section is only to be completed by the lead organisation. 

All organisations that would like to partner with Laureus Sport for Good must have sound financial procedures in place and must produce annual accounts.  In this section we ask about your financial procedures/practices. 


If this application is approved, you will be required to submit a signed copy of the sub-granting agreement with your partner. 
7. Bank Details
Please provide full details of the bank account into which funds will be transferred if awarded (complete as appropriate for your payment processes). This must be the lead organisation submitting this application. 

Programme Application Form - SESLA

Section 8: Programme Funding Request
In this section we ask for details on the work for which you are requesting funding, this includes a summary of the programme, why it is needed, what activities will be run and for whom, who is running the programme, how it was designed and details of any existing partnerships.  We also ask for a short assessment of the risks involved in the programme. 
8. Programme Summary

In this first section we ask you to provide some programme information based on where it is running, the social focus area it contributes to and what resources will be allocated to the programme.

*to select more than one country, please hold down the Ctrl button on your keyboard*

8.4 Please enter the total amount of funding you are requesting for your programme. Grants of between 70 000 and 100 000 USD are available.


Programme Application Form - SESLA

9. Programme Design

9.3 The objectives of your programme (WHAT are you aiming to achieve?): Considering the social issues you have identified in your needs analysis, what are the 3 key changes your programme will bring about?

Programme Application Form - SESLA

10. Programme Activities (Outputs)

10.1 In this section we would like to know about the exact activities / outputs you will deliver in your programme and when they will happen throughout the year.

**You can select multiple quarters in the table below by holding down the control button on your keyboard.**

Name of the activity. Please make sure it matches with the activities you described in the question about your methodology. 

Who is attending this activity? 

How often is this activity delivered?

When are you delivering this activity (select all relevant options

Where is the activity delivered?

Which partner(s) is/are responsible for the activity?

Programme Application Form - SESLA

11. Programme Target Audience

11.2.2 Participants Data
In this subsection, we want to understand the engagement you will have with the participants your programme is targeting with this specific funding. This is the important data that you will need to report against throughout the Laureus Sport for Good grant cycle.

The numbers below should represent your annual participant targets that you will report against at the end of the Laureus Sport for Good grant year.


Boys/young men/ men Girls/young women/women Transgender, non-binary, gender expansive Of the participants identified, how many have a disability?
Under 15 years old
15-24 years old
25 years old or older


From the participants above please identify parents/teachers and coaches
Total Boys/young men/ men Girls/young women/women Transgender, non-binary, gender expansive Of the participants identified, how many have a disability?



Programme Application Form - SESLA

12. Measuring Change

13. GOALs
The following questions are related to the GOAL framework. Please refer to this document to select the appropriate responses.

Every organisation applying to Laureus Sport for Good is required to select 2 Social Focus Areas and subsequently 2 x GOAL indicators.

For this application your Primary Social Focus Area must focus on Employability or Education.
Primary SFA
The following questions are related to the GOAL framework. Please refer to this document to select the appropriate responses.

Secondary SFA

You will need to report against this additional GOAL at the end of the year if you select one but it is not a mandatory requirement to apply for funding. Additional GOALs can also be added by your grant manager throughout the year.
13.4 Additional GOAL

14. SESLA Project

Beyond grant funding, the SESLA project offers training, peer learning opportunities and research with the aim of leveraging the power of sport to empower young people to create more sustainable futures for themselves and their communities. The questions in the following section will not affect your eligibility for a grant but rather help us inform the need for wider SESLA research. 

Programme Application Form - SESLA

Please Review!
Please carefully review all of the questions and responses you have entered throughout the form. Make sure you have also submitted all the required documents!
We would also appreciate any feedback you may have on the form or application process which you can provide here.
14. Supporting Documents

You have already provided the following documents throughout the application:

  • Governing Document: for your organisation (for example, a constitution, trust deed or memorandum and articles of association) (mandatory)
  • Safeguarding Policy: safeguarding children, young people, and vulnerable adults’ policy (mandatory)
  • Audited Accounts: all organisations that would like to collaborate with us must have sound financial procedures in place and must produce annual accounts. You must submit a copy of your most recently approved accounts, signed and dated by your chairperson, secretary or treasurer and by your auditor or independent examiner where appropriate (mandatory)
  • Budget Sheet Template: complete and attach it as part of this application (mandatory)
  • MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning) Framework: please attach the MEL framework for your programme, if you have one (optional)
  • Due Diligence Report: if you have a partner implementing the delivery of your programme, you might be required to submit a due diligence /risk assessment report if grant is approved (optional)
  • Gender Equity/ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy: feel free to attach the policy if you have one (optional)

Please also provide these additional supporting documents, or any others you think are important to provide information for your application:

  • Local Needs Analysis: please submit the needs assessment for your local programme (optional)
  • Risk Assessment: feel attach the risk assessment for your programme if you have one (optional)
  • Research: documents or links to any external evaluations or research into the social impact of your activities that has been conducted in the last 3 years (optional)
  • Additional Documents: any other available and relevant documents you may wish to attach (optional)

Please do not upload any videos directly but instead upload links to videos in the space provided.

Supporting Documents

Please carefully review all of your responses before submitting!